Darkness has Fallen (Elf World Saga Book 2) Read online

Page 7

  She was dressed for winter, clad fashionably in a long dark winter skirt and short fur coat.., this will be their real first taste of northern winter together and Novembre was nearly over, a cold mist rose from the water of the lake. Another winter season, the silken halters and loincloths had disappeared for warmer skirts or pants, and jackets of brocaded silk, fur, leather, and even strangely enough wool, an un-elvish material he was not fond of, and something equated with gnomes or dwarves.

  Myst had seen more than a few of the heavy Zwarri outer dress robes on passersby, even though it was still too early for snow, wasn’t it he hoped? The last rays of sun shone on her hair, turning it to a halo of spun gold… Myst sighed, it would be a cold bed tonight, he had not got his fill of her, and somehow he doubted he ever would. He could still smell the scent of her hair, the taste of her skin, the sound of her… “Damn, a long cold night indeed…”

  The last three days hold up in his apartment had flown by, they had hardly left it, only for food and a long trip this afternoon to the Baths. But now she had to be back to the Twilight Keep, at least for a few days, her time there they had decided was coming to an end, she was more than competent at magic now, and they would make a life together away from the capital, away from the army, at home where they had truly fallen in love, old Sunstar Keep in Mentonferrat. Besides if she needed any additional training they could hire a tutor, or even Sunstar Keep Castellan Sebastian Sauveterre, who was a competent mage, albeit an Air Magic mage and not one of the two schools or magic Kayala used, could guide her.

  The sloop set its sail and quickly it passed beyond the headland of the ferry port. Myst turned away and wandered up the stone walkway back to the carriage he had hired for the trip from his flat. The wonderfully decorative iron gas lamps, which could be found throughout this ‘city of light’, hissed and popped into warm cheery life. He climbed back in and knocked on the roof, the carriage swayed to a start, as the clip clop of the hooves of the matching grays pulled Myst through the rapidly darkening twilight.

  The carriage slowed with the early evening traffic, he sank back in thought and watched the crowds going by, the dock district was busy as usual, an exotic mix of peoples and diversions, most, ok some, some of them legal. He had resigned his commission three days ago, early in the morning before Kayla had arrived on the morning ferry from Twilight Keep. Lieutenant General Mars Trendel, had been keenly disappointed, oh well, not his worry anymore, but it was the first time in nearly a century and a half he was free of them, no orders, no living in the worst hell holes the army could find to send him, and dealing with even the worst dregs society.

  He had met Kayla at this dock three days ago, she flew into his arms, and for the first time in more than half a year he was truly happy. It had been a sunny and warm morning, well for late fall, so they had walked through the city to one of her favorites, the Café Central and had shared a long brunch.

  Kayla was fashionably dressed in a long sleeved coat-dress made in a muted red and gold brocade with dark silver fur at the collar and trimmed about the bottom, it gathered at the waist and then flared slightly at the hips, very chic. It was daringly short, even with the mid thigh black sheer silk stockings she had on, the amount of bare skin between the bottom of the dress and the top of the stocking was Myst thought, very impressive.

  “I'm not sure how you are even sitting down in that dress Kayla, or how your stockings are staying up without a garter… but I like it, I like it very much...” Myst told her.

  She smiled back at him, sophisticated and seductive, like many Sun Elven females, she was a master at the art of the feminine.

  They had the tomato and cheese soup followed by duck confit and a little crème custard dessert that Kayla could never get enough of, and only here in Palantar was it ever truly done to perfection.

  “Myst, my love… there is something I have to tell you.” She told him over desert. She had kicked off one of her fashionable black shoes and was rubbing her silk stockinged toes against the back of his calf under the table.

  “Oh, that sounds ominous Sweetheart.” Myst put down his wineglass and gave her his full attention.

  Kayla looked at him, “Next week I go into a fertility cycle…”

  Myst blinked.., looked at her for a moment, “It may be twenty or thirty years till the next cycle”? He took a sip of the wine while thinking.

  Kayla smiled at him, pulled back her hair self consciously, “about twenty five years for me… Should we try for one now? Anyway this week is safe, so we can practice as much as we want… and by that I meen soon.”

  Myst laughed hard, he loved this elf lass, she was so full of the ‘joy of life’ that elves prize so greatly. “Come on,” he stood up and dropped coin on the table to cover the meal, “we have things to do before playtime!”

  They rushed back to his flat, catching a carriage for the mile and a half trip down the packed cobblestones street that the Avenue Saint Jermain shopping area was at any giving time. Back in his bedroom behind a hidden wall panel, Myst pulled out a case containing message spell eggs, the size of a humming bird eggs these magical constructs allowed for instant communication over vast distances, they were very expensive, and each contained just a single use, Myst used four of the six he had. At which time Kayla insisted in a bit of playtime, it had been well over eight months after all.

  Just after the bells rang Sext in the early afternoon, a beautiful carriage had pulled up to St. Sulpen’s Cathedral, Myst climbed down, as he had resigned his military commission about seven hours ago, he wore his white and gold uniform of a Knight of the Order of Solar, he looked stunning in it he was sure, the snow white pelisse cape with the giant embroidered gold sun sparkled magnificently in the light. He even wore the white Cavaliers hat with curled white ostrich plume, and Myst normally hated wearing hats, but for Kayla he would happily do so.

  Kayla was also in a beautiful off the shoulder, snow white silk sheath gown, embroidered with hundreds of pearls at the neckline and in patterns of swirls, and delicate see thru lace panels plunging the front and back wickedly and dangerously low; it had cost Myst a small fortune, particularly to have ready in an hour... But it was stunning and fit as if it had been painted onto her gorgeous body and not simply worn. She had found a pair of fine white with silver accent high heels that seemed made for the dress.

  Myst thought, “This may be my best idea ever, short and quick, no grand formal wedding that would have taken a year to plan, cost a fortune, and forced him listen to endless minute details about floral arrangements and color schemes…” He paused thinking, “Or, maybe this is Kayla’s plan all along to save me from that long agony, if so she’s even more amazing, if that is even possible.”

  He led her up the grand steps and into the cathedral, and into an enchanted forest contained within the great glass domed building. A line of glorious linden trees rendered in marble and gold led to the High Altar covered in climbing white roses, and set against a massive magical stain glassed window that showed the Creator in Avendar the Elven heaven. Above the altar a beautiful blue dome displaying a giant sunburst and the Creator holding court in a realm of deep forests and fey beauty. The sound of a piano softly echoed through the cathedral, a beautiful baritone voice broke into ‘Joy of Avendar,’ a choir of heavenly Elven voices joined in. Myst took her arm and lead her down the white and gold carpet of the Nave.

  The High Bishop waited for them, and next to him Kayla saw her grandmother, she squeezed Myst arm in excitement, she did not know how he had managed it, but she was grateful and overflowed with joy. The radiance of her smile, the flash tears in her eyes and Myst had to fight back his own emotions.

  Maris Morningstar was a grey haired ancient elf, now closer to nine hundred years of age if not a bit past that, she smiled at her granddaughter, contented to see this day finally come, and that her favorite grandchild had archived such happiness.

  “In esta Ada, et egleria Hîr Creator…”

  Myst tried to pay attent
ion to the High Bishop, but Kayla was so beautiful…

  Sunlight suddenly shone spectacularly thru the great stained glass illuminating the chancel and the wedding party.

  Then with as deep breath the High Bishop started the vows “Do you Ser Mystros, of the High and Noble House Sunstar, take this elf woman in life bond, to be your wife prīmārius, do you promise to cherish and love her, from this day forth, in this life and next till the end of time.”

  He smiled looking into her blue eyes, “I do so swear upon my life and honor, in this life and next, erui mea heryn uir.”

  “Do you Kayla Morninstar, take this elf lord to be your husband in life bond, promise to cherish and love him, from this day forth, in this life and next till the end of time.”

  A tear of joy escaped her smiling eyes, “I do…, mei verno et Hîr.”

  A hum and glowing light suddenly appeared from the High Altar, and as it faded, a delicate and beautiful gold and platinum gossamer Elven necklace lay there on the white cloth.

  The High Bishop took up the fragile looking wedding torc, recognized the design, and paused for a long second. Then his hands glowed in golden light with the benediction, “This is a sign of the bond they have entered into, by the Holy Creator bless and keep you for all time in His embrace, alámene Eru.”

  He gave the golden torc to Myst who walked behind Kayla and fastened it around her neck, a magical click seem to echo across the vast chamber. “A gift from my father…,” his voice caught for a second, “this was the wedding Torc of Her Glorious Highness Princess Míriel Starfall, daughter of the last King of Andulas, as she life bonded with my great, great, great, great, great grandfather Udor Sunstar. The right side shows the oak and rising sun of House Sunstar, the left the rose and sea eagle of the Grand and Most Ancient Andulasian Royal House of Starfall.”

  The High Bishop voice rose, “In the name of the Creator, I declare this noble couple Wedded and Bonded for Life. You may kiss the bride.”

  And Myst did so... Above, the bell of the Cathedral broke the silence with the soft Chimes of Joy, “Bing… Bing... Bing… Bing… Bing… Bing…,… Bing….” Seven chimes of good fortune, and the choir joined in with the haunting gentle elven song ‘Love's Pure Light.’

  When he had finished, Kayla rose up onto her toes to whisper in his ear, “Is your father trying to get us killed…, is he crazy!”

  “My dear, probably to one and yes to the other… This torc,” he gently touched the thin gold and platinum around her neck, “is a very powerful artifact, I do not know all the magic that it can do, but you will need not worry about the undead anymore they do not like it, and you will always get a sense of where I am and I you. Also… if it ever comes open by itself, you will know that I have passed to Avendar before you… Now let’s take your charming grandmother to a late lunch, and then start practicing for next week…”


  They had a fine lunch, Myst was charming and so Kayla’s grandmother told him tales of her growing up.

  “It’s hard to believe she was an awkward and gangly teenager Madam Morningstar…”

  “Oh Ser Myst, do call me Maris, you see you have please me greatly, the Creator knows Kayla’s happiness is a true joy to me.”

  Myst looked around the opulent dining room, once a palace ballroom it was among the grandest and most romantic in Palantar, it was embellished in trompe l’oeil paintings, and an excessively extravagant use of many colored marble in seven different hughes he counted, the twenty five foot ceilings lit with enormous Baccarat crystal chandeliers, the diagonal rose and ivory marble checkered floor, starched white table cloths, and more gold embellishment than many a bank could boast stored in their vault. ‘The Ambassadeurs’ overwhelmed it’s dinners from the moment you arrive.

  As they had walked up the few steps to the restaurant proper, a beautiful and young, well-dressed Sun Elf in a snug black silk dress smiled and politely inquired, "May I help you?" She asked with a voice that was part greeter and part gatekeeper.

  "We have reservations." Myst replied feeling a combination of entitled-to-enter and yet some how under-dressed though what could be more dressed than his formal Knights Uniform Myst could not imagine. "Of course" She added and immediately stood out of our way and summoned a team of liveried servers in one fell swoop, announcing to them the single word “Sunstar”. She took their outer robes and gestured toward a squad of waiters. They were led to an excellent table where course after course of delectable dishes appeared as if by magic. A harpist behind a great golden harp provided a pleasant musical score to the lunch.

  They all seemed to adore the medallions of lobster with caviar appetizer, and Kayla’s beef was tender as warm butter, his medallions of venison in a raspberry Chambord sauce possibly the best meal he had ever had. But it was the desserts were truly works of art, almost but not quite too pretty to eat, they decided on the mini creme brulees, a selection of three, one the standard vanilla rich custard, another with chocolat added, and the last with a lemon-citron flavor. Myst liked the lemon-citron flavor one the best, he would have bet that Kayla would have prefered the chocolate, but surprisingly Kayla preferred the original creme brulee, even as she was a committed chocoholic, so he would have lost money on that bet.

  And Myst through, “but the most wonderful thing about the meal, excluding the wonderful company of his new wife and her charming grandmother, was that Kayla’s grandmother insisted on paying as a wedding present, he was not sure but the price tag was well past the one thousand Silver Crowns, maybe closer to two thousand with the Cristal Rose champagne, it was a fantastically voluptuous wine blending pinot noir and chardonnay grapes to produce a hefty price tag…”

  They put Madam Morningstar into a carriage, but the two decided to walk as the sun was shining and they needed to walk off the meal.

  Kayla had a long white fur coat to keep her warm in the clear bright sunlight, and Myst found the sunshine more than sufficient along with her dazzling beauty to keep him warm.

  He noticed people smiling at them as the walked, while Sun Elves tended to dress well, and Palantar was the pinnacle of fashion, their afternoon attire was somewhat over the top for a stroll by the river. Myst simply smiled back content with spreading the joy and beauty he felt with the city at large.

  They were crossing over the city canal on one of the elegant bridges, “Say, if you don't mind me asking, why did you and your grandmother disappear into the ladies room just before we left, and she came out with a shopping bag”?

  Kayla smiled coyly, “I didn’t want to ruin my wedding dress, so she is taking home for me…”

  “So, under your coat…”

  She turned to him and held open her fur coat, “Naked, yes that’s correct, except for my sandals…” She did a little twisting dance for him.

  Myst somehow had noticed in his peripheral vision, he was not the only one enjoying her, ah dance and little outfit, as the street was rather busy. She closed her coat and they continued walking. While nudity was common for elves, and all practiced it multiple times a week at the baths, the middle of the city street was a tad unusual even for the most libertine elves...

  “Feeling a little frisky are you,” he asked?

  “Oh, my gosh, you have no idea!” She gushed. “I’m not sure you will survive the night.”

  “Well if that is to be my fate, so be it,” he laughed, “but we had better pick up another case of champagne then if this is to be my last night!”

  The next morning he was not laughing… He needed coffee, needed it most desperately! He knew better to drink that much Champagne, particularly if a long night of sexual gymnastics was involved… He reached a hand to his head and sent a small wave of healing magic, not much, and not nearly enough, particularly as magic was mostly ineffective in treating his condition, and as on the best of times he was magically limited, and this certainly was not him at his best…

  Myst wondered if he should just open another bottle of the champagne, there should be some left
over… He could not decide last night between the Perrier J Blason Rose or the Vilmart Grand Cellier Rubis

  and so he had a case of each delivered, she had wanted a pink champagne for their wedding night, and Myst was most happy to oblige her...

  He noticed he was alone under the white comforter, that was a surprise, she had been asleep entwined around him, a short while ago…

  He pushed the goose down pillow off his head and slowly sat up, experience had taught him, that this was not the time to rush things. The only reason he was moving at all, is he could smell coffee brewing.

  The room was quite warm, the fireplace was blazing and the magical heating elements below the dark wood flooring was on. Kayla hated cold more than any elf he had met, so she had the flat toasty warm.

  He headed to the living room, there on the grate above the fire in the other fireplace was a pot of coffee. Sighing, he made for it like “a borderline drunk with a hangover whose nymphomaniac wife had drained nearly to death… because that was what he was.” He thought to loudly in his head. He managed not to step on her and poured himself a cup, drank down half and refilled it. “Damn, that was good.”

  This time he walked around her to the soft leather sofa and the plate of croissants, “hum, chocolate filled.” And sat down to watch Kayla posing somewhere between lying and kneeling on the carpet before the fireplace.

  She was of course naked, but somehow seemed to be trying, and he had to admit successfully, bend one foot backward over her head possibly with the goal of touching the floor or maybe pat her head with the sole of her right foot..., that last he felt was more likely, but he’d watch to find out. Her left knee was on the ground and left foot pointing to the sky. Her chest firmly pressed into the carpet. She smiled over at him seemingly enjoying herself, he had to admit it was also improving his spirits. She reached up with her left hand and pulled her toes closer to her head.