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Darkness has Fallen (Elf World Saga Book 2) Page 13

  The door swung magically closed behind them, Myst noticed it was mirrored and a red and gold sun motif was set into the top of the door.

  They stood there, alone… Ious looked at him, Myst shrugged and they waited.

  Ious noded at a life size painting over the fireplace, “Whos the chick…?”

  “Hum, Theadreil Queen of Everaux I think…”


  “Yes, she is about to be forced to marry the Sundragon High King…Marc the first, or maybe Lothar the second… I get them mixed up.”

  Ious nodded, “That would do it…”

  Suddenly the far double doors swung silently open giving them the glimpse of a room not unlike the one they were in, only in a blue and gold color scheme.

  A rather flamboyant figure was walking towards them, he had wavy shoulder length very dark hair, so dark to have purplish highlights, a high thin face with sharp cheekbones, tall and slender, he moved with a grace but also with certain flare..., there in all his splendor was the Crown Prince Galen Sundragon.

  He wore a purplish blue satin frock coat trimmed in a sharp gold pattern scrollwork that somewhat resembled elven writing, with wide upturned cuffs, a dazzlingly white silk laced shirt and lacy silk foulard and collar. A platinum brooch set with a pigeon egg sapphire fixed the foulard to the collar at his throat. A light royal blue sash cut rakishly diagonally across his body to hold up the scabbard to his golden hilted dueling sword. His snug breeches matched the frock coat and were tucked into above the knee black boots.

  As he glided toward them they bowed to him, “Your Royal Highness,” they murmured in unison.

  He made a get up waving motion with his left hand, vaguely in their direction as he approached.

  “Ah, Mystros you brought a friend, Ser Ious yes, how delightful… Why Myst I have not seen you in years, you haven't attended my parties in forever, how naughty of you!”

  “I beg your pardon Highness, not by choice I assure you, the demands of imperial service can be so unfortunately disappointing sometimes…running around some place barren and hopeless, and all that time bereft of your charm.”

  “Yes, it must be horrible, ” he chuckled delightfully. “Oh, I have missed you, you are the worst person in the world denying me your wit…”

  “Well, I will be staying in the city for the season...”

  “Oh, yes I’ve heard and you have a bride now, that is soooo unlike you, so domestic. You must bring her to my fathers birthday party I’m throwing, fortunately the party is quite separate from the one he’s throwing so it will be delightfully fun and wicked, very posh!”

  “But enough sass for now, tell me what is going one, I’m up to speed on much of what you are up too vis a vis the Dark Lord crashing the party so to speak…”

  So Myst told him everything with Ious filling in anything he missed.

  “Lovely, ah, I see why you left out the part implicating one of my sisters when you told my father… I think we will keep that close for the moment, he does not have a sense of humor, very droll. Yes and I also prefer you with your head, it improves your conversational abilities greatly… It mystifies me so much at times, granted you and I being sensible gentleman, we know what common sense tells us, but ‘He’ judges things differently you understand? Yes so mumms the word for now with father, even incontestable proof had best come thru me… yes?”

  He barely waited for Myst to nod, “Very good, I think one day when I sit on the Swan Throne we shall do great things together, well if you survive that is.”

  Myst laughed at that, “I’ll try to not disappoint you Highness.”

  Smiling Prince Galen scolded him, “Yes, no attention seeking in that way..., but I think you must go talk to the Val'istar, the old Archmage Professor Zerros Kelaborn, with such powerful magics in play he is the one to consult.”

  Just then the far door crashed open and a platinum haired Princess Alexandra stalked in, she was dressed in an imperial purple silk robe over a darker purple and gold cropped bustier and a cut-away full skirt, that showed she had on matching purple bottoms, a pierced navel with a gold and amethyst belly ring, and purple and gold lace up ribbon sandals…. She also had the same signet ring as her aunt and sister.

  The look on her otherwise beautiful face was decidedly less pleasant to look at. “You bastard,” she yelled, then suddenly stopped and froze when she noticed Myst. She recovered quickly and continued into the room at a more dignified pace, “Sunstar, I hear you're married now… Have you given up marrying into the Imperial House?”

  Myst smiled a charming smile at her, yet his eyes remained cold, she was the youngest child of Emperor Alexander Sundragon. Wild, reckless, hedonistic, but also ambitious and at times highly petulant. “Princess,” he bowed thinking, “is this family why I dislike dragons so, with possibly the exception of Galen, and even his flamboyant personality can get old fast.” Out loud he continued, “I did spend a nice time with your sister today… but regardless of the wonders of all the Princesses charms, the Emperor would never allow such a thing as we all know…” And silently added, “I would rather chew my own arm off than be suck with her.”

  “You should come visit me sometime your wife lets you off your leash,” she turned to her brother, “you I will talk with later,” and spinning about she left the room in a seeming huff.

  Prince Galen sighed, “Mystros, if you would just start sleeping with her again she would be easier to deal with.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Ha, you believe that?”

  “No, well I suppose not… she holds grudges like a true dragon. But easier for me to deal with if she has you in her claws.” Prince Galen almost giggled with joy,“But, that was masterful you mentioning spending time with our other sister to her, turned her instantly green with jealousy…”

  He gave his head a dramatic little shake… “But where were we, oh yes,” he took of a ring and handed it to Myst. “Don’t put it on as I want it back, just hold it and concentrate on Kelaborn’s casting room. Let go of the ring when you feel the spell take fully ahold... Wait! Before you do that, Ser Ious if you would put your hand on Ser Myst shoulder, there that’s a good chap. Now when you're ready Myst, or anytime in the next few seconds as I have things to do…”

  Suddenly with a pop of air rushing to fill a vacuum, Myst and Ious were gone and there on the rug was Galen’s teleport ring. He bent and picked it up, “I wonder how bad things are about to become… bloody dreadful I’d imagine.”


  Myst staggered, the room spun and seem to slip sideways and fall away, his stomach wanted to empty but he fought it down.

  “Oh..., that sucked!” Ser Ious groaned.

  They were in a perfectly round room with unadorned white plaster walls, on the floor was a three meter silver casting ring etched with eldric runes of power. In the center of the circle where they stood shakily was the stylized symbol Kelaborn used and that Myst had visualised for the spell. The door behind them opened and Professor Kelaborn hurried into see his unexpected guest.

  “Ah, look what the cat dragged in…”

  Myst smiled at his old teacher, “Well look at the cat...”

  “Well, look at him indeed! It is good to see you my boy, and congratulation, Kayla is too good for you, but somehow I think this is not a social call.”

  Myst introduced Ious and for another time set about telling the events of the last two days…

  Professor Kelaborn had taken them into his private study and made sure the magic protections were all in place before letting Myst continue.

  “Well, well, well.”

  “A deep subject professor…”

  Kelaborn frowned, “unfortunately Myst a deep and unpleasant well. Nothing good ever seems to comes from Ankphora..., the Tower of Ethir Dûr was their tower of High Sorcery, but what the El Sila Mor is I don’t know yet.”

  Kelaborn had been holding various large gems up to his eye, he saw Ser Ious looking quizzically at him, “parchment fades and burns, but bo
oks kept in the heart of diamonds, well they last ages…”.

  “That’s, remarkable…, but so must be the expence!”

  Kelaborn grunted in what they took as an affirmative way. “Blagh, this will take some time…! You two should go eat, spend some time with your wife, I will let you know when I discover anything of substance. We have only a little time I fear as tomorrow is the Emperor's birthday celebration and that will be when they attack. But be warned, the tower is full of spies, every and all possible factions are well represented here, so be careful of what you say and who may overhear.”


  Myst and Ious stepped off the magical lift on Kayla’s floor. Being elves they managed the slightly awkward transaction from floating to walking with reasonable grace for first timers. Myst went to knock on her door but it was yanked open before he could raise his hand and Kayla was in his arms, kissing him. She broke the kiss after a minute or two, laughing, “I knew you were here! Suddenly I felt you appear close by,” she stoked the fine elven gold at her neck with fondness, her face split with the prettiest smile Myst had ever seen, his heart seem lost in her joyful eyes…

  He laughed, and introduced her to Ious, “Ious my friend, this is the light of my world, Kayla this is the mostly punctual, Ser Ious Taustara.”

  Ser Ious laughed, “I was late, once, ok maybe twice…”

  Myst tried, but failed from rolling his eyes at that...

  Kayla reached up and kissed Ious’s cheek, “He has told me of the value of your friendship, and I am most grateful you have helped keep him safe. You shall be as a member of our family from this day on, our door always open to you.”

  Ser Ious bowed to her with far greater deference and sincerity than he had the Crown Prince earlier..., a look passed over his face, then solemnly he slowly sank to one knee, “Gracious Lady, House Taustara is yours and your husbands, I pledge our loyalty and service, by the light of heaven and glory of the Creator, I will gladly die for your safety and honor, ar lma-vandá enyalaz.”

  The three of them could feel the weight of the magic as the oath was sworn. Myst, stepped forward and helped Ious rise. He held one hand and Kayla took the other.

  Myst spoke the formal acknowledgment in the old tongue, “In gwaedh Agoredh vae. If you take this oath, then I must except. May the ties that bind bring fortune to both our houses.”

  Kayla laughed with delight, “Now, who's hungry, let's go find some late lunch, and a beer for Ser Ious and some wine for me, I could certainly use it. None for him,” she nodded her head at her husband, “never keep him on track if we do. That and he gets all frisky...”

  They dined for the next few hours, they talked about the mystery at hand at first, but soon we're sharing happier stories of their lives, and of the crazy events of the last year…

  Myst had disappeared for a few minutes to check on something, so they had a few minutes of telling each other ‘Myst’ stories and were roaring with laughter by the time Myst returned to the table. He smiled fondly at the sight of them getting on so well, “a wise elf knows the importance of harmony in one's life” he thought, “and a wiser one knows when he has found it.”

  He sat back down and sipped at his wine, “Unfortunately time is growing short, I must return to Palantar this afternoon,” Ser Ious interrupted, “You must return…”

  “There is a river boat leaving the Twilight Keep’s dock for Bordan in twenty minutes, you shall be on it. No, I know you would wish to stay, but I must send you to my father to tell all that has happened. I walk a razor's edge with the shadow on one side and the Sundragon’s on the other, and if the Sundragon Emperor plays us false, then my Father is the only one that can bring sufficient power within the aristocracy to exert pressure on Alexander, if it comes to that.”

  Ious protested, “You're just sending me out of harm's way…”

  Myst cocked his read to the side in a manner that both Ser Ious and Kayla knew very well… “Even without that oath of yours, you have now been linked too closely with me in the eyes of the Sundragons for safety. So yes in a way, for the moment I’m placing you on what appears the safer course, but it is also a necessary one, that only Kayla or you could I entrust with, and she must stay here to act as a conduit for Professor Kelaborn. So fly to my father, the boat captain of the Black Swan, has promised to use enough Water Magic to make the trip in two days, and don’t be surprised if Father does not send you right back just as fast.”

  Ser Ious, stood and took Kayla’s hand, “It has been my honor to meet you great lady, until we meet again.” He grasp Myst right forearm to right forearm, they exchanged a silent look, and he was gone.

  Myst held out his hand to his wife, she looked at him quizzically, “I have an hour before I return to the city, whatever should we do for all that time…?”

  “I see that wine has worked,” She jumped to her feet and grabbed his hand, “You should see my room before you leave,” she chuckled, “I only hope my roommate is away!”

  “Well if she's there I hope she won’t mind us playing.”

  “She won’t won't at all if you let her join in, I guarantee you that,” Kayla laughed.

  Her room had been empty, and they had spent the next hour locked in each other's embrace. “My love, I’m afraid your hour is almost up,” she told him as she straddled him, leaning close to kiss his eyes and nuzzled his jaw, then nip at his chin.

  In a swift action, he rolled her over so he was above her, he kissed her passionately and she locked her ankles behind his back to keep him there forever, but time was passing swiftly so he broke the kiss, unhooked her ankles, giving her toes a kiss as he got up.

  “Love, I must soon go. When Kelaborn finds the information we need, he will pass it to you. Uses your wedding torc, let your magic entwine your whisper and it will send it to me this short distance, you understand how the spell works.”

  She nodded her head, tears glistened the corners of her eyes. “Yes, I had an Air Magic mage show me how to do it with my magic, it's not as efficient nor will it work as far, but it will work as far as the city. It is a wonderful artifact. By the way, am I still to meet you tomorrow evening for the Emperors Party.”

  “Hum, I tend to think it best you stay here, but I will send word if things change. If not then come on the next day early morning boat, well spend the weekend in bed....”

  Myst smiled then kissed her again hungrily, not wanting to leave, but soon again he broke the kiss and climbed from her bed. He thought, “they say death is light as a feather, but duty is heavier than any mountain..., and leaving her for this task is indeed a heavy weight.”

  She watched him dress lying indolently and languid in her bed, he was standing at the mirror fixing the mess she had made of his hair, when he cocked his head to the side staring at it. He raised his hands and his fingers began to shape magic.

  Kayla let her vision relax so she could see the magical, and she watched as Myst formed threads of green magic that probed the wall mirror.

  “It’s magical,” he stated.

  She sat up in bed, “Yes, it has a minor Air Magic enchantment that makes the image sharper and clearer in low light so not to awaken the roommate when you get ready in the dark.”

  “Hum, maybe… Say, you know the mirror above the fireplace in my apartment bedroom?”

  She got up on her knees, sitting on her feet, “The magic one, I noticed it but it seemed broken.”

  “Well, it's old and sorta wonky, but works after a fashion… I only use it for counter surveillance, to see if anyone is watching my apartment, but... maybe we can attune this one as a receiver… Can you feed me some power?”

  Kayla held out her hand and fine delicate threads of gossamer emerald light floated to Myst. “You know I could do this easier…?” She teased him.

  “Only if you know the resonance of my mirror… No, I thought not, then it's up to me then, but I could not do this without your extra power, so thank you sweetheart.” He finished tying off the enchantment spell he had

  Kayla walked over to him using her magical sight to inspect his work. “I see what you have done, it hardly affects this one, it’s relies solely on your mirror at home for the power and enchantment…”

  He looked at her, “I don’t think my mirror has the range to make the connection during daylight. And maybe not when the moons are up affecting the weave of magic…”

  She laughed, “Darkness when none of the moons aren't up, that's what maybe a half hour most nights?”

  She pulled out a set of charts from her desk and looked at them. “Let's see, tonight there is fourteen minutes of true dark an hour after astronomical twilight... and… looks like twenty two minutes just prior to nautical sunrise.”

  “We I get back to my apartment, I will see if I can boost the range and power so it will be more effective.”

  He took her in his arms, “It’s a back up if there is an emergency, I’m not fully convinced it will work, but redundant safety options is a good plan to stay alive.”

  She nodded in agreement, a little magic used in a good cause, you can never be too careful.

  “So Kayla, if you hear my voice twenty two minutes just prior to nautical sunrise, get up and answer your mirror…”

  “You know, us working magic together was kinda sexy…” She cupped her breast holding them up to him and running her thumbs over her nipples with a naughty look in her eyes and a wicked grin on her beautiful face.

  Myst rolled his eyes, “I married a nymph!”

  “Ha, and you love it…!”

  “I do love you, more than you know wife.”

  She laughed and caught him in one last embrace, “and I love you more husband,” a simple kiss to keep him until they could meet again, his hand tangled the hair and the base of her neck and he pulled her firm up against him, the power of his kiss made her tingle and weaken at the knees, and then he was gone.


  Chapter 10

  The wind whipped the lake to white caps as the ferry finished it's late afternoon crossing, the cold had kept all of the passengers inside during the crossing, and even that was not enough to keep from Myst being chilled, as dark low clouds raced and churned across the sky.